Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

Better Education , for Better Future

Education ,
What is it ? and how is it works? Education is one of the most important thing in human life. Education is not really about a ‘’formal’’ education only but also , the course , lesson and everything.For me education is really important for leading our future , some people say education is our stock , is our well known as preparation for our future. I also agree if education cant always rule our future not realy. There is a lot of people in the world that is success without finished their education program. But one thing that you shouldnt forget that they were a cretive , an inovative people . they can do that without their degree but they have inovation that came from their experience , so far eperience is the best teacher that i know. But where can we find our experience? For me we can found it with education , this place called SCHOOL.

In indoneisa(my country) our education is divided by 4 level , first kindergarten this level may occured for 2 years, and second was elementary school  this level is contain about 12 semester or you can finished it for 6years but if you were smart some school offered accelaration class so you cand finished  it for 5 years. And than on the next level there are Junior High School proram , this program is contain about 6 semester and also for some school that have an acceleration you can finished it for 2 years and also about the senior high school. But in indonesia you may start choose your spescially subject starting from highschool not junnior highschool and it also just contained with 3 choises(but someschool just offered 2choises) there are bahasa,IIS(sosial),and Mia(matematika ipa) before new curriculum has been used , the student start choosing their subject from grade 2 but now we should choose it from the first grade.

Talking about the new curriculum in indonesia or may be called as “kurikulum 2013” or Kurtilas, they have positive and negative thing , starting from the negative side.i have a queation first , did all the material has ready for this new curriculum? And did all the person and system has ready ? all the teachers? And students? I dont think so , cause its little bit different than the old curriculum and some people said that this newest curriculum making students to being more active than before , the teachers just came and give the first materi and than all the duty and everything is the student responsibilty but In curriculum 2013, education hoped to be more focus on building character. This is evidenced by reduction some subjects in elementary school. In the first until third years students in elementary school will be oriented on nature, social and culture. So, I believe it will be very useful to make students have a strong and good character for their next future.

Curriculum 2013 also apply thematic integrative system in all subjects. I think it’s a good system. Because some subjects as Indonesian language is supposed to be use in all subjects. It will increase student’s knowledge about Indonesian language. Because actually Indonesian language is an applied science. So, by using Indonesian language in all subject will make student understand what exactly the essential from this subject. So that was what i think about the newest curriculum , about education in indonesia and i think we shouldnt complain about it right now because our future is waiting for us , just take it easy and take it as a ticket for your better and bright future.